Friday, March 13, 2009

Day One

Escape. Escape is the one world, the only word that means exactly what I plan on doing. I need to get out of this hell hole pronto. I don’t belong in this place. I don’t fit in with all the other recruits. They are more experienced or more experienced than I myself am. The other boys, the older boys, seem emotionless. I could sense that they were cold, soulless, stern boys. They couldn’t feel any emotions at all. I could see all this from their facial expressions and the stiffness in their body movements. Ignacio, Lolo and I are sore thumbs here. None of us know understand what is going on and none of us know what will become of us. I’m extremely lost, and confused. Today I am a new recruit. Tomorrow I may as well be dead or close to it. My mouth aches as though someone has sewn it shut and I can’t ask anyone anything, not like I would’ve asked anyone anything after the incident in the truck. No one seems to be friendly at all. Not the other boys and not the Sergeants. The Sergeants demanded constant respect and undivided attention almost all of the time they were with us. Throughout the day I could only think of mother and her face was stuck to my head as if someone pinned it there forever. Her face was masked in sadness and hatred when she found out that her son was taken away from her forever. I don’t belong here and I never will. None of the other boys and I will ever get along and I know this for a fact. Escape. I have to get away from here. I must escape. I have to go back to mother back home where I belong and where my family needs me. But escape, is so darn close to impossible that it’s just become another synonym for impossible in my mind.